Welcome to my website where you can find infos on my research and other interests
My overarching aim is to increase our understanding on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and cross-ecosystem linkages.
Beyond aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem boundaries
My research focuses on the diverse life strategies and interactions of microbes, plants and animals in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. I investigate the community ecology and food web dynamics of these fascinating organisms to gain a better understanding of the complex interactions between species and their environment.
A holistic perspective
In my work I try to apply a holistic perspective to better understand ecosystem dynamics. I study the interactions between different species and their environment to investigate how ecosystems are connected and what factors drive ecosystem functions beyond ecosystem boundaries.
Conservation & restoration
For a sustainable future
Protecting biodiversity and preserving habitats are central drivers of my research. Through my work, I aim to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and promote measures for the conservation and restoration of nature.